Friday, March 5, 2021

Subscribe by Email

Mail pieces on a clothes line

"Subscribe by Email" is one of three ways that readers can elect to be notified when you publish a blog post.

Update: Google is has cancelled this service. It's still an option on Blogger if you arrange a subscription service with another provider.

Subscribing is not the same as "Following."

Different service providers offer emails that "push" notifications to subscribers automatically, whenever you publish a new post.

Alternatively, there are "newsletter" sites that you can use to send notices to subscribers, with links to blog posts. 

The newsletters are not automated; you have to create and send these notices in addition to publishing your posts.

All of these services provide codes to embed a subscription form in your blog.

Some charge for the service; some are restricted in different ways; some have advertising.

Fun times.

Your Feed and Subscribe Services

Your feed is like an internet broadcast of your blog. The feed automatically pushes your posts out on the web to those who want them.

Blogger feeds are enabled by default, unless you have restricted readership. Private blogs do not have feeds.

In addition, your feed settings at > Settings will control what is included in each email:

  • Full mails your full post
  • Short sends out the first 250 characters or so, text only, with a link
  • Jump-break shows everything until the jump, with a link
  • Off disables the whole thing.

Finally, feed-based email subscriptions

  • are automated
  • are opt-in, you cannot add people to the mailing list
  • are not the same thing as following and will not show up on lists of followers
  • require a blog feed, so turning yours off will disable subscriptions
  • require a blog feed, so making your blog private will disable subscriptions
  • use your blog feed, so shortening the feed in settings will control what is included in the email.
Readers can separately follow you in Blogger's reading list, or read your feed in a feed reader.

Revised in 2023 to reflect the cancellation of Google's built-in subscription service.

Learn more: follow • feed reader • overview


  1. They soon won't be able to. Google is wiping out that feature from Feedburner.

    If there's any kind of work around, I'm game to learn of it.

    1. Yes—I sure can pick things to write about here!

  2. I'm a newbie to blogging tech. I set up the Subscribe widget-builder in Feedburner and added it to my blog. All looks good, but subscribers are not getting their emails. It is now April 2022, long after the Subscribe By Email has been discontinued. Have I just installed a widget that isn't supported, or have I installed a replacement widget that I need to troubleshoot why emails aren't coming through?

    1. @Be, as you suggest, either the services has stopped altogether, or else the widget is no longer working. it's not easy to say what is going on. The service has persisted, erratically, far past the original shut-down date.

      Today some are reporting it no longer works and some that it still is working. Probably we are seeing the end; I have a blog post in the works about that.

      If you go to your feedburner account, you can inspect your mailing list. If the list is empty, then the widget isn't working. If so, you can try to create a new widget using the code you will find in Feedburner. (Paste the code into an HTML widget.)

      It might work—but it might not.

    2. I tried adding my ads account to my blog but it'couldn't working out.
      I need support.

    3. Have you tried the support communities?
