Saturday, February 1, 2025

Search Console struggles


A wrench forged in an "S" shape

There is a thing that you probably don't need to know, and if you do know it, that knowledge will confuse you, alarm you needlessly, and cause you waste your time.

Are you in?

Thursday, January 23, 2025

All clear to "drag and drop?"

A WWI soldier, holding a rifle, peers over the top of a trench
For a long time the practice of dragging images into Blogger's post editor often led to problems, or failed outright.

But dragging may be a handy (and safe) way to reinsert images into posts, by dragging from published posts.

At least for now.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year = BACK UP YOUR BLOG

I just did!

White string is tied around a man's index finger

Set a reminder to back up regularly (e.g. quarterly, or more frequently if you publish very often).

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Super Tech Fun Pak Too


A cartoon light grey computer with a widescreen and opened browsers with green backgrounds with multiple streaming and social media sites opened, and a number of icons like a laughing emoticon, red heart, magnifying glass, light bulb, speech balloon, and a facebook thumbs up like floating on top.

Where some bloggers embrace scripts and theme-code mods, I seek ways to use Blogger's native features to automate and add new things to the page.

After all, Blogger should deliver its functional goodness without requiring us to know about the code behind it all.

Yet here are three useful hacks including some that use code. I didn't invent these, just passing them along.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Spam in bulk? No problem!

Only you can prevent comment pollution.

An industrial trash bin overflowing with garbage
photo: bicanski

Comment spam makes your blog feel unfriendly and neglected.

Here's how to wrangle the garbage—if you get a lot of it.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Comment spam? Take out the trash

Comments are great. Comment spam is toxic.

The word TRASH is stenciled on the sode of a metal barrel
photo: donald giannatti

Comment spam harms your blog.

Here's how to wrangle the garbage, step by step.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Comment spam on Blogger:
Keep it clean

A hand wearing a purple rubber gloves holds a soapy sponge.
photo: andrej liĊĦakov

Comment spam hurts your blog.

Block and manage it by

  • moderating comments, or requiring commenters to solve a captcha (no need to do both)
  • marking spam, which trains Blogger's spam filter.