

I've been publishing on Blogger since 2008.

In this blog, I share tips about getting started with Blogger.

I also describe and explain all the elements of a Blogger blog.

If you are thinking about your blog from an editorial point of view, you might like my overview of blog types.

I also explain all the ways you can put an image into your blog.
And the differences between following, feeds, and subscribe-by-email.

See a list of all my tutorials.

My approach is more "editorial" than techie: not just how to do something, but why and what best practices are.

Subscribe, if you like. I do not publish on any fixed schedule, so don't expect a lot of emails if you do.

I do have a "real" blog, which has nothing to do with blogger tips or hacks. But I'll only refer to that occasionally and incidentally.


  1. goodness knows how my front page of my blog ended up as my 2nd page. How do I bring the "face" page I want shifted hole-uss bole-uss to the front arriving at my blog. Also I want to change the colour from black to white on my front page header????

  2. Lockwood, I'd like to help. but I think my answers would fall somewhere in between "I don't know" and "I can't tell from what you've said."

    I think you will get the best help from the Blogger Help Forum (link at left.) Include a link to your blog if you post there.

  3. Helloooooooo!!

    Sooo glad that you take the time to answer questions!!
    I have a question too!! how did you make those tabs like "blog" , "about" , "journey" , etc..??
    Please explain like how you would to an 8 year old!! :P ( or just give me a link ) :D

    Thanx !!


  4. Rosebell, I used a link-list gadget to make those tabs.

    If you need more help with that, take it to the Blogger help forum, and be sure to provide your blog url along with your question.

  5. I really like your blog. I'm going to ask you something, or rather, I'm curious about your opinion. Do you think it will bring back the Email Subscription system with a different infrastructure? If not, is there a service you can offer? Thank you

    1. Thanks for the complement, @İsmail.

      I do not expect Google to do this anytime soon, but I encourage people to ask for it using Feedback.

      As for alternatives, it is complicated. I have shared some of my thoughts in this report.

      Why not share your own ideas there?
