
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Welcome to Blogger

A stick-on name tag that says "Hello, I'm..." but is blank

New here?

Maybe you know exactly where you are going with your new blog. If so, don't let me slow you down.

For my part, when I was getting started, I was uncertain about the right way to do things.

I'm writing this for newcomers, though old hands may find a few tidbits of interest too.

This page is a collection of links that may be useful to newbies, with some connecting narrative.

Let's get started.

First Steps

Your blogging account is a Google account. You can use one you've got, or start a new one.

Here's how.

Once you've selected a display name, you are ready to go. 

Don't get too bogged down in the details, you can change things later.

You'll learn faster if you write a few posts.

But, you may want to tweak a few blog settings first.

References and explanations

The official Blogger Help Pages are well written and will answer many of your "how to" questions.

I also wrote a kind of primer, or field guide, to all the different parts of Blogger (widgets, labels, pages, oh my!). 

It covers some things you won't find readily in Help.

Don't get too lost in the weeds, however. Most learning happens iteratively: from information to practice and back.

Try stuff and learn by doing.

Further, deeper

I've cataloged the five main types of blogs (though there are surely more). Which one is yours?

At some point, it is worth understanding feeds, following, and subscribe by-mail options.

Here are some of my favorite sidebar widgets.

Also, some ways to connect with readers.

I also assess the blog themes (also called templates) that Blogger offers. Don't write off those designer themes from 2010!

My sidebar has a few links to other blogs about blogging. 

The Blogger help community is what passes for tech support for Blogger. It is staffed, though, by volunteers (like this guy).

Be nice.

Your search engine can find solutions to many technical questions. Some of those solutions may even be correct.

Finally, I post here from time to time, on no fixed schedule. You can opt to get an email whenever that happens.

For new bloggers

setup • settings • help • just blog

Further resources

blog typesblog elementsthemesfollowing


  1. Can you write an article about my friend Tinylettet?

    1. ["TinyLetter" is a subscribe-by-email service.] @İsmail, I don't really have anything to say about that.

      People should do their own due diligence around third-party services.

  2. I want to interview you my friend. But I have no money to give it to you.

    1. I'm not in it for the money.

    2. Also a question for you: What platform would you go to if Blogger was shut down?

    3. I know all the reasons why people speculate about this, but I think it unlikely.

      Still, hypothetically, if that happened I would see what makes sense at the time.

    4. @İsmail, that's not something I have ever done. What would I interview you about?

    5. I'm getting some comments from @İsmail that are really in the nature of personal correspondence.

      @İsmail, I am happy to hear from you! but I will not be publishing those comments here. You can contact me at the email on my profile page.
