
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Adding images from "Blogger"

new post > toolbar > Insert image > Blogger

Adding an image from "Blogger" lets you insert images you've previously added to your blog, or any other blog where your account has author privileges.

A menu listing four ways of inserting images into a blog, with "Blogger" selected.
"Blogger" lets you reuse any image you've already added to Blogger.

It's one of four options you'll see once you click the Insert Image tool in Blogger's editing window.

Images added in this way appear in the blog but live in the Media Manager, where your blog has its own directory.

Technically, "Blogger" displays all the photos in that directory. These include any images that have been uploaded to the directory but not added to the blog (which can happen).

It won't include images you uploaded from another account.

With the "Blogger" option, you aren't really adding anything new, just reusing what you've already added or uploaded.


The Media Manager albums are reliably chronological, oldest first.

There's no sort or search option in either place. But if you scroll down, you'll eventually see everything.

From Photos • By URL • Drag & drop


  1. @Adam
    Noted & knowing
    Not seen before, what that B+ stands for and where it's used?

    1. The image above is a screen shot of the top part of my "from this blog" options. It shows images that I created or have permission to use.

      The orange "B+" is a graphic I created to use with several of the blog posts I wrote about integrating Blogger and Google+. Here is one obsolete example (the information is no longer applicable).

      I did not use all of these images, though I did upload them into my Album Archive for the blog. As I say in my post, that can happen.
