
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Blogger comments and engagement

A menu that says "Select Profile: Google Account, Anonymous, Name/url"

Leave a comment on a Blogger blog from your Google account (that is, not anonymously), and you can be notified if someone replies to you.

That can lead to interesting exchanges, while enriching the blog.

But it has gotten harder to choose the "Google Account" option when commenting.

It's a case of some outdated technology in Blogger bumping up against modern privacy concerns.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Find the accounts on your blog

3 shaddowy silhouets with question marks instead of faces

A reader asks,

Is there any easy way to tell if any other account has made a post [on a blog]?

The question has special urgency in light of Google's plan to start deleting inactive Google accounts, beginning in December of 2023. 

If there are old accounts on your blog, and Google deletes them, the images they've uploaded will be deleted too.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Stayin' alive


Drawing of a man waking up in a coffin
Google's plan to start deleting inactive accounts (and their blogs) begins this December.

What does it mean to you, and how can you protect your blog?

The actual requirements are simple. Just publishing blog posts keeps the account active.

But there's a nasty surprise for some blogs.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Everybody jump!

Children jumping
photo: Lighttruth (CC BY-NC 2.0)

The old jump break offers hidden benefits to all Blogger blogs.

Before Blogger introduced the jump break in 2009, blog themes displayed entire posts stacked on top of each other.

The break allowed blogs to make a main page of posts truncated with "read more" links to each post on separate post pages. (It still does that, for older blog themes.)

Today, the most modern blog themes truncate posts automatically. But the jump can help even these blogs in ways not anticipated in 2009.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Automated lists by topic

Stylaized graphic of a woman presenting a list
image: mohamed hassan
Tag your posts with labels, and you'll be able to create dynamic lists of links to all the posts with a label.

(You can also do the same thing for all your posts, labeled or not.)

"Dynamic" means the list revises itself automatically whenever you add or subtract a label from a post.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Welcome to Blogger

A stick-on name tag that says "Hello, I'm..." but is blank

New here?

Maybe you know exactly where you are going with your new blog. If so, don't let me slow you down.

For my part, when I was getting started, I was uncertain about the right way to do things.

I'm writing this for newcomers, though old hands may find a few tidbits of interest too.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Set the table for blogging

An elborate formal place setting with many utensils and wine glasses
Photo: Hopefulromntic21 (CC BY-SA 4.0)

At the end of the setup process for a new blog, you'll find yourself at your blog's dashboard: the private back end of the blog where you can write, edit, format, and run your blog.

To get your blog started, you can click the New Post button at top right on your dashboard.

It's not a bad idea to try this out. You can always edit or delete a practice post later.

But one dashboard section that deserves your early attention is the Settings page, full of controls and options. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Database filtering blog posts
with logical NOT

Elon Musk with a "no" slash over his face
Adapted from Steve Jurvetson (CC BY 2.0)

Attentive reader Peggy K wishes for a way to make such complex blog searches as "all my posts about Twitter that are NOT about Elon Musk."

(My hypothetical example, not hers.)

Seek no further.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Blogger's database power of OR

Hands shuffling a deck of cards
Photo: Jason Mrachina (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Blogger is a database that lets you shuffle and filter posts in different ways.

Today we take that to the next level, with logical OR searches on labels A or B (posts with any of the labels).

Friday, April 7, 2023

Blogger database superpowers

A superman-style chest emblem, with a D instead of an S

Blogger is a database that lets you shuffle and filter posts in different ways.

Today we take that to the next level, with logical AND and OR searches on labels.

That is, making a single page of all posts with (1) labels A and B, or (2) A or B.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Old wiring

A tangled collection of old, dirty wires and switches
photo: yung chang

Increasingly over the past two years, bloggers in the help community say they can't

  • sign in from their blog—from the public "front end" of the blog at, connecting to the back end at
  • leave comments on blogs—even their own!—from their Google accounts
  • find the quick-edit tools
  • managing comments on their blogs, or delete comments they made on other blogs

These problems (often) have the same cause: Blogger's outdated dependence on tracking cookies.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Modern image manager debuts

19th century illustration of a gentleman using an electronic apparatus to view an image of a woman.

Google stashes the images you upload into your blog in the Album Archive, their online home that is separate from Google Photos.

Now, Google has written a new back end for those images, available today at

Saturday, March 11, 2023

New blog—and account

A hand-lettered sign reading, "Welcome, please come in!"
photo: aaron burden

Are you new in town? Welcome!

In this guide for newcomers, the  symbol indicates my personal recommendations for success.

Monday, February 20, 2023

A blog is a...database?

Columns of alphanumeric characters falling down a black computer screen
Image: geralt

Not only is a blog a kind of database, but a defining characteristic of a blog is having database superpowers.

Namely, the ability to filter posts in different ways.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Super Tech Fun Pak


A cartoon light grey computer with a widescreen and opened browsers with green backgrounds with multiple streaming and social media sites opened, and a number of icons like a laughing emoticon, red heart, magnifying glass, light bulb, speech balloon, and a facebook thumbs up like floating on top.

I avoid giving advice, or solutions, that involve code.

Yet here are some code-based tricks that I use.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Paragraph vs Normal spacing

Google gave us a perplexing, nay, maddening issue about the spaces between paragraphs when it introduced the latest iteration of Blogger in 2020.

Blogger provides a drop-down menu of paragraph styles that are mostly self explanatory, eg Heading, Subheading, and so forth.

But there are two choices for regular body text, Paragraph and Normal.

What are these for, and what should you use?