
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Search-results pages

A large magifying glass distorts the face of a person holding it in front of them
Photo: Marten Newhall

Searching your blog for a word or a phrase in Blogger's navbar (or from Blogger's sidebar search gadget) generates a dynamic page of those posts that include the search phrase.

The results of this search take the familiar form of all of Blogger's dynamic pages: posts, spilling automatically into archived pages if needed.

Unlike other dynamic pages, however, the default order is "by relevance," as determined by some undocumented algorithm. There is a link to sort the posts into the familiar reverse chronology.

« Static pages Index Header, title & tagline »


  1. If you use Google Custom Search, then (unless you pay $US100) you will have AdSense ads displayed on the search results. The good news is that if you're an AdSense publisher, then these can be YOU ads, which is A Good Thing all round.

    1. note: Mary's well-taken comment from 2011 describes "Google custom search," an option I once recommended in this post. Today, built-in search is much improved, so I deleted that recommendation (but not Mary's comment).

      It is still worth knowing about Custom Search, though.

  2. Mary, those are both very good points, thanks!

    My experience with Google Search as a sidebar widget (on my other blog) has been a bit different, however. I get no ads from searches there.

    I suppose Google could change that at any time, though.

    By the way: Mary has a blog devoted to blogger tips of all kind that might be of interest to anyone who reads Too Clever.
