
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

To my subscribers

Mail pieces on a clothes line

Happy new year!

Last spring I started offering subscribe-by-email for this blog—email notifications of new posts.

Unfortunately the service I chose for that is closing up shop this February.

(Who do they think they are, ending stuff like that? Google?)

So, I am going to move your subscription to another service.

I'll post more about that when it happens.

Though I'm aiming for an easy transition, you may be asked to confirm, again, that you want to get these emails.

I can't say for sure now what that will look like. At minimum, it will be from another provider, and probably a different sender email address.

That means it could get blocked by your spam filter until you mark it as OK.

Like the last time, I am putting a priority on your user experience. So if you decide to unsubscribe, it will still be easy to do so from a link that will be in each email.

I don't publish frequently, or on any regular schedule, anyway.

And I do not share email addresses.

Blogger is a perpetually bumpy ride, I guess! Best wishes for the new year.



  1. Happy New Year, Adam! Since adding you to my blog-roll widget on my own blog, I am always alerted when you post something new. Looking forward to more of your Blogger wisdom in 2024. :^)

    1. Hi Apache! Feed-based things like that widget (or the Reading List or an RSS reader) avoids this sort of problem for sure.

      But for those who like to get email from me, I will persevere!

  2. I follow via RSS. This year I hope Blogger introduces the "Follow by Email" option.

  3. I feel you! A year ago I had to move my emails (again) when Twitter shut down Revue. I hope your move goes smoothly. (For another data point, I also follow with your blog's RSS feed.)

    1. RSS remind me in a way of Blogger: unloved, neglected, and so talented and useful.

    2. Blogger's Atom feed is even better as it supports more features like featured images etc. It is the default feed that ends like .../feeds/posts/default . The RSS feed is like .../feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

      But while most reading services work for both Atom and RSS, but some like for example Pinterest's automated RSS feed to images recognises only the ?alt=rss one. (For those who not know it yet, Pinterest has a feature in settings where it will automatically pin the featured image that is 1st image in your post via your blog's rss feed).

      Blogger truly is as you aptly described it, so talented and so useful but yet so unloved and so neglected.

    3. I confess to using "atom feed" as a synonym for "rss feed."

  4. Do you think google will close Blogger in future?

    1. Sometime before the heat death of the universe, yes.

      Probably not soon.

      Just a guess though.

  5. We used Substack for one of our blogs. It's got some neat emailing features and it didn't needed re approval of migrated email followers. But Feedburner's CSV didn't work with Subtsack and had to copy paste email ids manually. Fortunately there weren't much subscribers. And these days Wordpress has a Newsletter feature too, but have't used it myself. In both cases you'll have write the posts as they don't do a RSS to Email from Blogger. If your Blog is on Wordpress itself then the blog posts themselves go out as a newsletter, which is what the Wordpress Newsletter appears to do.

    Coming back to Blogger, have you observed a redirect error for Blogger blogs in Google Search Console? I contacted their support and as they suggested, have left a question on Blogger Community based on what I learnt from them. I hope it gets resolved instead of the usual "This question is locked and replying has been disabled." If you want to see what it is about, here is a link to it on Blogger Community

    And not only that, a newer post is not even getting crawled but I'll for some more days and give Google more time. As with the existing redirect error the canonical URLs won't get indexed from the xml sitemap anyway.
