
Friday, November 6, 2020

First Aid for Photos Placement

 Workarounds for inserting images, stat!

The new Blogger interface has broken some methods of inserting and managing images in blogs.

If you've relied on any of these, things are pretty messed up right now.

While I hope these features are restored, until they are, here are some ideas that may be helpful to those struggling to blog.

As a bonus, one of these is an actual solution, not a mere bandaid.

Problem: Placing Photos

Many users report that they can no longer reposition images by dragging them in the editor. (For my part, I was never able to do this reliably even using the old editor.)

Some possible alternatives are as follows:

  • Insert each image in the location you prefer, so that no subsequent repositioning is necessary.
  • Copy the inserted image and paste it where you want. You may need to select a bit of the surrounding text for this to work, but then you can trim the extra away.
  • Copy and paste the code for the image in HTML mode. Fussy, but reliable.

Special note: I really don't like to steer people to HTML mode for basic stuff that should just work in the friendlier Compose mode. 

But if you are comfortable with it, or willing to learn, it is a valid method and you can do a lot of interesting things there.

Problem: Managing Uploads

Selecting multiple photos for upload still adds these images to the Album Archive

However, Blogger no longer "remembers" recent uploads in the upload window.

This is profoundly unhandy, especially since there are problems repositioning photos as well (see above).

Nonetheless, we still have the following options.

  • Import one at a time, placing them as you go.
  • Import and insert all, moving the images using one of the above methods.
  • Import all, then insert serially from "Blogger" (but we will have to scroll down to the end every time)
  • Upload the images into Google Photos and use the Photos option to add them to the blog. Why: it's easier to find new photos there, versus the "Blogger" option.

Problem: Drag and Drop is Broken

If you use this method to insert images, then you already know that it creates invalid links that do not render the image at all.

It turns out, however, that the image is validly uploaded into the blog's archive. So it is possible to drag and drop, delete the bad insert, and then reinsert from "Blogger."

Again, we have to scroll all the way to the end of the selections there.

This works, but so does just uploading the image into the blog from your device.

Problem: Text and Image Wrapping

Some find that text wrapping and even placing images side by side is not possible.

I am please to report, for once, what I think is the actual solution to this.

There are two sets of justification controls, with icons for left, right, and centered.

They look nearly identical, but have different effects.

The controls on the main editing toolbar are for text, though they also have the effect of shifting the justification of an image within its own horizontal space in the column.

The effects of the controls in the pop-up toolbar visible when the image is selected are for images. 

Left and right justification dispatched from that set of control will wrap text and allow side-by-side images (if they fit).

Notes and Comment

Photos are super important for online media, and the ability to add images easily to blog posts is critical.

We can only hope that Google addresses these and other issues with the new Blogger soon. Some of these workarounds are clumsy at best.

The image-wrapping issue is arguably the exception. It's not broken, just mysterious!

Yet there we see the effect of a poor design choice, using identically styled controls to do different things.

Leaving feedback for Google is still the best way to tell the Blogger team about things that are broken or wrong.

Not on this blog, though your comments are welcome, and not in the help community, but with feedback.

Wouldn't it be useful if the "from Blogger" entries were newest first? Or better yet, sortable and searchable?


  1. Working in HTML seems to be the one way to solve some Blogger problems. If you upload an image without orientation, Blogger adds padding, which you can delete in HTML mode.

    I had a persistent problem with blurred images when using the new interface. Here’s the fix I figured out:

    This problem may be specific to a Mac with Retina view — I’m not sure.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Yes, you can do a lot in HTML if you know what you are doing.

      I am not against that. I just think Google should give people the tools they need for basic stuff in Compose mode.

      PS Thanks for the link!

  2. If you want to center a pic, I found that if you first send it to the Right and then click Center, then it will go to the center of the page. Discovered by accident. BTW: I hate the Stats page. I can't make heads nor tails of it....

  3. Question about the sizes of the photos. Can I set a default size? I have to manually click each photo to resize it to fit the parameters of my blog.

  4. Thanks to Blogger for teaching me how to do HTML formatting via their New Blogger crash course (irony may be found here).

    1. Irony very much appreciated! However, ironically, it was by working on a project for my blog that I learned about cascading style sheets, which has been a pretty useful thing.

      The difference of course is that my project was a refinement, an add-on; whereas today, messing with the underlying code is a workaround for failures in basic functionality.

    2. Exactly.

      Meanwhile I found a 99% workaround for the placement of photos in the blog - not in the bottom, but where YOU like them to go:

      1. Write an extra word or two where you want your photo to go.
      2. Mark those words as a block (? Not sure of wording here, colour them with mouse cursor or Shift+arrows).
      3. Get photo.
      4. Click on the photo so that it now has a blue border.
      Click add / select / insert or whatever Blogger uses in English to insert the photo.
      5. Maybe - delete the extra words as they are not always replaced by the photo.
      This will almost every time insert the photo just above, below or instead of the marked text :D

  5. What a debacle. Do they not do UAT?

  6. io ho il problema che se devo modificare un post già pubblicato, quando poi lo aggiorno le immagini risultano tutte spostate a destra guardando il blog con il cellulare ma centrate guardando il blog con pc o tablet.
    Grosso problema, non si riescono più a sistemare, bisogna eliminarle, formattare la pagina e ricaricarle...
    Blogger ha fatto un macello.
    Buona giornata, Lorena

    1. Rought translation: I have the problem that if I have to modify an already published post, then when I update it the images are all shifted to the right looking at the blog with the mobile phone but centered looking at the blog with a pc or tablet.
      Big problem, they can't be fixed anymore, you have to delete them, format the page and reload them ...
      Blogger made a mess.
      Have a nice day, Lorena

  7. not to forget the photos uploading in reverse order. If like me, you upload more than 50 photos on one blog which are usually from some sort of event or other and need to be in the correct sequence, this is very frustrating. Unfortunately there is no other blog programme that allows me to add so many photos to a blog with writing for free.

  8. I have loads of images in my Blogger account. In order to save re-uploading into my new post when I want to re-use an image, I insert from Blogger (or Photos) as the alternative to "Upload from Computer". But waiting for them to load, so I can browse, is laborious. Is there a browse method outside Blogger which allows me to pick up the URL of the chosen image and use HTML to insert it again?

    1. This bugs me too. I think it is worth leaving feedback about this.

      As for workarounds: I am a bit reluctant to suggest this, because I think it is new behavior. But if it's an image you've already published in the blog, dragging and dropping it into the editor seems to link to the original file in your album archive.

      It might be easier to find an image that way, versus waiting for the album to load. But that is a low bar!

    2. Thanks Adam. I hadn't realised that works. As long as I watch what I'm doing that CERTAINLY will work as a workaround. Thanks. I'll send them feedback too.

    3. For a long time drag and drop has been unreliable, and I have recommended against using it. But it seems to have settled down, at least for images internal to the blog.

      Specifically, it currently sets up an import of the same image that is already in the album archive. So it should be stable!

    4. This just means that "Blogger" is not going to do anything to fix the problem!

    5. My working model about stuff like this is is (1) Google will fix things someday but not necessarily soon (2) leave feedback about the issue, and (3) in the meantime, what are the workarounds?

      I don't know that (1) is correct, but this model is functional in the face of dysfunction. Models don't have to be correct to be useful.
