
Monday, March 31, 2014

Blogger, forgive us!

Here's a great unsung feature of Blogger: Undo.

If only it applied all the time.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A sidebar-widget beastiary: 6 gadgets and what do do with them

Smart bloggers populate their blogs with widgets to connect readers with older blog posts (and with related content on the web).

Three sidebar areas take widgets: Top, side, footer.

Here's a quick appraisal of a half dozen powerful widgets you should know.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blogger, Google+ pages, and the frontiers of science

The R&D Division here at Too Clever, ever pushing the envelope, has used a Google+ page of a regular Blogger blog to create a second blog.

To be precise:
  • a Google+ page identity (not a personal profile)
  • that was created for a regular Blogger blog
  • in turn created, and now administers, a second blog.
Here is the proof that, when it comes to Blogger, a Google+ page can do everything your blogging account can. Including being anonymous.