
Monday, March 3, 2014

Blogger, Google+ pages, and the frontiers of science

The R&D Division here at Too Clever, ever pushing the envelope, has used a Google+ page of a regular Blogger blog to create a second blog.

To be precise:
  • a Google+ page identity (not a personal profile)
  • that was created for a regular Blogger blog
  • in turn created, and now administers, a second blog.
Here is the proof that, when it comes to Blogger, a Google+ page can do everything your blogging account can. Including being anonymous.

The blog, called "Proof of Concept," has no purpose other than to illustrate how a G+ page can do any and every blog-related thing that a plain-vanilla blogging account can do.

Specifically, a properly constituted Google+ page can
  • be anonymous or in the name of your blog or business or brand
  • be a blog author and write posts
  • be a blog administrator and moderate comments and change blog design and settings
  • share blog posts on Google+
  • leave Google+ comments on a blog that enables them
  • leave regular (i.e., not G+) comments on a blog that enables them
and now
  • create and administer blogs
all using the page identity, not a personal profile.

Proof of Concept could have its own G+ page, which could create another blog, which—but let's not get carried away.

It's science I tell you! And they call me mad. (Nevit Dilmen image)
Is there anything this Google+ Page can't do? There are some differences in how it behaves in Google+ compared to a Google+ profile.

For instance, a page can have multiple administrators and is not subject to Google's real-names policy.

And you do need at least one Google+ profile to administer the page.

But in terms of Blogger, it does everything a regular account can.


Microscope image courtesy Scalefree Network via a Creative Commons license; the image has been flopped and is available under the same license.


  1. Fantastic work! But how? Is it a patented secret? My research elves haven't been able to do this ...

  2. Mary, if there is a secret ingredient it is that once you set up the Google+ page you have to give it its own password. (It's in the settings.)

    That elevates the page to the rank of full-fledged Google account.

    Then you have to log out as yourself and log in as your page.

    I have heard some people say you can't do this if the managing profile is via a Google Apps account. No experience with that, personally.

  3. Nice find indeed. I've since discovered that this feature was introduced more than a year ago, and that it's the answer to some problems that have caused people a lot of grief (eg how to stop Google from auto-enhancing images loaded to Google+ pages). Really strange that so few people know about it.

    1. Mary has published a wonderful illustrated step-by-step detailing how to give your page it's own password.
