
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Welcome to Blogger

A stick-on name tag that says "Hello, I'm..." but is blank

New here?

Maybe you know exactly where you are going with your new blog. If so, don't let me slow you down.

For my part, when I was getting started, I was uncertain about the right way to do things.

I'm writing this for newcomers, though old hands may find a few tidbits of interest too.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Set the table for blogging

An elborate formal place setting with many utensils and wine glasses
Photo: Hopefulromntic21 (CC BY-SA 4.0)

At the end of the setup process for a new blog, you'll find yourself at your blog's dashboard: the private back end of the blog where you can write, edit, format, and run your blog.

To get your blog started, you can click the New Post button at top right on your dashboard.

It's not a bad idea to try this out. You can always edit or delete a practice post later.

But one dashboard section that deserves your early attention is the Settings page, full of controls and options.