
Saturday, July 4, 2020

"New Blogger" Scroll:
Reports from the Trenches

Soldiers at ease in a battlefield trend in 2016

In much the same spirit as my recent "photos" report, here is what Blogger users are saying about how the new Posts page lists posts.

The page scrolls all the way until the end, which can take a long time.

All of these issues are subject to change in the run-up towards the day when The New Blogger becomes the only choice.

If you have an issue with TNB, please communicate directly with the developers by leaving feedback.

The problem exactly

"Infinite scroll," which in principle can show every single post in your blog, replaces a paginated system in legacy blogger. 

Legacy lets you jump to, say, the 3rd set of 100 posts ago. It is fast, but you can't ever see more than 100 posts at once.

Seeing all the posts sounds like an improvement, and if you only have 50 or 80 posts on your blog, you might wonder why some are struggling with it.

Many bloggers have been at this for a while. My main blog is creeping up on 1,000 posts. 

So, previously, to find an old post that I could not locate easily with a search, I could set number of posts per page to 100 and find it pretty quickly. Those pages of 100 load quickly.

Now I have to scroll down, a few posts at a time, until I get to it. 

Scrolling is slow, so this is an operation that takes time and many clicks.

To be fair, there are other ways to find posts, if you can remember things about them that are searchable. But if you don't and need to hunt for something,

Trying to find older posts takes FOREVER in new blogger. The constant scrolling is so frustrating. Can we get a "jump to page" feature like in legacy blogger? 

As an example, I do a "look-back" post every week. Looking through 13 years of posts using the scroll bar is maddening!

Those are the words of another blogger posting on this in Blogger's help community.

The above photo is in the public domain.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree, the new system is PAINFUL!!! Please bring back pages of 100 posts. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
