
Saturday, June 27, 2020

How to Leave Feedback for Google

Message in a bottle on the beach

"Feedback" is a specific communications channel from users to Google about Blogger.

Feedback is how to suggest new features or describe problems.

It has assumed an outsized importance as the Blogger development team finishes its work on the new Blogger user interface.

Feedback is an option on Blogger's help menu. In the new UI, it can be summoned by clicking the question-mark icon at upper right on your dashboard.

(Not the question-mark icon in the Search field that is available on some pages. That is a link to new search features.)

About feedback

Posting in the Blogger help community can be useful, interesting, and cathartic, but is not a good way to communicate with Google.

Google does not reply to feedback other than with a "thank you" screen message. The developers consider feedback, but do not always act on it, or do so quickly.

But there has been plenty of evidence that they are listening now, as they try to wrap up the new interface.

And please note that Google specifically tells us
By late July, creators will no longer be able to revert to the legacy Blogger interface.
So if you see something, say something! With feedback, please.

Update: Google says feedback is helping with new Blogger design.

Image by Antonios Ntoumas from Pixabay


  1. Oh dear: on one of my blogs, I cannot load Pages in the new editor. Have submitted Feedback about it several times but nothings changed. Thanks for letting us know about the legacy retirement date.

    1. It's been pushed back, to no one's surprise.

  2. I hate this new format - the pictures post disjointed and the labels do not line up. I don;t care what google insists on ... I want the old one back! The old template format was much neater and smoother looking. REVERT!

    1. I will be super surprised if that happens. But, it is not too late to influence the final result—by leaving feedback.

  3. Okay so what does this blog have to do with Blogger? or feedback and customer support?

    1. Hi Peter,

      This blog is pretty much exclusively about Blogger. Poke around, read the "about" page, you'll get the idea I think. It's neither complicated nor obscure.

      It's not about customer support, I don't have customers and that is not my field nor my interest.

  4. cannot add multiple labels! Hate the new blogger! Type changed formatting in my last blog post, and I didn't change a thing! GRRRRRR

    1. Jeanie and/or Eldy,

      Yours is a perfect example of an issue that should be communicated to Google via feedback.

      I hope you will.

      If you are not clear how to do that I hear there is a blog post around someplace with that information.

    2. Why does Google insist on forcing us to accept this new format...It's not easier to use and I haven't read of one person yet who likes it...Yet we are being forced to use it...I don't like that and if that's the way they want to do things...I'm gone!...I've been blogging since 2007...I have four blogs that I update almost daily...I've enjoyed Blogging, but now it's no longer fun thanks to these new changes...I wish Google or whoever wasn't so arrogant and cared about what their users think...But I see they don't give a damn...

    3. @Keith, I see (from an unpublished comment here) that you are having trouble leaving feedback as I recommend. You should bring that problem to the help forum.

      Really, it is in our best interest to tell the developers about these problems rather than suffering and fuming about them. The team's response to feedback has been meaningful.

      WordPress is a fine platform but also has its problems and moving there would involve a nontrivial effort. You have to make your own decision but I would take this opportunity to make things better before making such a move.

  5. A few of my blogposts have a spot for labels or add a label, but now my new ones don't.

    1. This sounds like the sort of thing you should ask about in the help forum or post for the developers using feedback.

      Good for you if you do!

  6. Ditto on not liking the new format - at least when I go to "design" and "posts" - It is not helpful. I want the posts in order by date, not separated into draft and scheduled. I review books and commit to dates in advance. with the new format, I can't tell when I have open dates because some are scheduled and some are in draft. At the very least, there needs to be an option to reorder by date regardless of whether the post is already "scheduled" or only in "dreft"

    1. I hope you left feedback about this. (However, the default for viewing posts seems to be "All," which includes drafts, published, and scheduled posts.)

  7. The new Blogger interface is a disaster. I hate it. I cannot make heads or tails of it. PLEASE GIVE THE OPTION OF CONTINUING WITH "LEGACY."

    1. I think that ship has sailed, alas.

      Personally I still miss the ca 2010 user interface.

  8. 1. Very hard to insert photos in new format. 2. "Preview" used to show whole post so I could print it out to edit. Now just shows 1/2 a page. AND JUST REVERTED TO A VERY EARLY DRAFT when I did a screen shot so I could print that out to edit. PLEASE GIVE US THE OLD FORMAT BACK.

    1. If only someone would write a blog post about how to direct comments like this to Google, instead of just leaving them on some random blog.

  9. I hate the new Blogger format so much that I want to scream. I'm already searching for another place to blog. I can't believe the Default option to the old format was taken away. I despise the new format.

    1. If only there were an alternative to screaming, such as leaving feedback for the development team that is trying to make things work better.

  10. Why Blogger still redirects mobile users to ?m=1
    It impacts our pages, every time I test my pages on Lighthouse it shows "Avoid multiple Page redirects". Is there any way to stop this?

    1. There are many reasons for m=1 architecture for the older blog themes, some of them very good ones. So I will not call this a problem.

      But if you want to change it, take your issue to the help community. It is too nuanced and complex to deal with here.

  11. Are you sure this feedback reaches Google? If you are sure, when will they reply to us as soon as possible?

    1. I am sure of two things.

      First, feedback reaches Google.

      Second, that Google does not reply to feedback, except with a "thank you" screen message. It does so immediately.
