
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blog-journey-hack problems SOLVED

I woke up on Tuesday to find that my blog-journey hack was broken, but the problem is fixed now., one of two internet services on which the hack relies, had altered the way it processes feeds. The change was causing HTML code that was part of the feed to be printed on screen rather than executed.

The result was a loss of formatting and the appearance of some gnarly non-english characters on screen.

The problem was fixed when feed2js reverted back to its previous routine. is a very handy free web service that will take a feed and turn it into a script that you can paste into your blog.

The service provides a clear user interface and many options for what exactly is included. I use it in my recipe for displaying blog content as a "journey," in chronological order.

I'm very glad this problem is resolved!

I haven't changed a thing, though I may need to to resolve this problem.

You need look no further than the sidebar of this blog to see the messy results, which brackets the title of each post with HTML code.

I am trying to learn more and come up with a workaround. Meanwhile perhaps the problem will right itself, if the errant service is restored to its previous mode.

Very sorry! That's all I know right now.


  1. Hey,

    I'm going nuts trying to figure this out. My blog is about my cancer treatment and people want to read it from start to finish.

    Try as I might, I can't get more than 25 titles to show. All I want to do is to put a link of all my posts in reverse order so people can read it from start to finish. I'm not very techy and can't figure out why only 25 show.

    I see that you say to break them up but I can't figure out where in your instructions to add the date part. My blog goes from August 2009 to current and has about 300 posts. I don't mind breaking it up into chunks - if I can figure it out. I do use feedburner full.

    If you can help I'd be grateful. Butdoctorihatepink {at} gmail {dot} com

  2. Dear "But Doctor,"

    I'm going to assume that your problem of "only 25 titles" refers to your feed, not your blog.

    If so, I think your problem may lie with feedburner, which is truncating your feed at the first (most recent) 500k of content.

    You can, however, have your complete feed and burn it too, by keeping your feedburner feed but not redirecting your blog feed to it.

    That is, go to Settings > Site Feed and delete your feedburner address from Post Feed Redirect URL. Leave it blank, and save the change.

    This will give you access to your old feed (all of it), but leave your feedburner feed active too, for the benefit of anyone who subscribes to it. In effect, you get two feeds.

    Having two feeds is potentially confusing, I suppose, but it has never caused me any problems in practice.

    Please let me know how it goes.

  3. Sir. Me newbie to this tech. Very helping and knowledge blog. Learning a lot here. Requested to provide Email subscription to new posts( feed burner). Thanking You with Regards. Very helping and knowledge blog. Learning a lot here. Requested to provide Email subscription to new posts( feed burner). Thanking You with Regards.

  4. Dear Finder,

    As you can see from the first two comments here, Feedburner can cripple a feed for some uses, such as my Blog Journey hack.

    However, there is a workaround, and you have prompted me to post a subscription link at the bottom of my sidebar. And also here:

    Subscribe to Too Clever By Half by Email

    Thank your for your interest! I do not have many ideas for new posts at the moment, but maybe I should write one about Feedburner and the feed-redirect setting.

  5. Sir. Thank You. Subscribed to feed burner just now. I have lot of requirements and some problems in blogging. May write for your kind guidance? Thanking You with Regards. d burner just now. I have lot of requirements and some problems in blogging. May write for your kind guidance? Thanking You with Regards.

  6. P.s. Though newbie started blog to share my subject of interest. 1. I want to share maximum. What gadget to add? ( simply via page elements. Dont know html) 2. Only one post and answering queries. For participants I wish a decorated comment page. How to ? Thanking You again with high regards.P.s. Though newbie started blog to share my subject of interest. 1. I want to share maximum. What gadget to add? ( simply via page elements. Dont know html) 2. Only one post and answering queries. For participants I wish a decorated comment page. How to ? Thanking You again with high regards.

  7. Dear Finder,

    I am flattered by your questions, but in this case I think you will get better and quicker answers if you post them to Blogger's help forum, where there are many knowledgeable people.

    I've learned a lot there!
