
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Post pages for blog posts

A yellow post-it note
Image: Alexandra Koch

In the beginning was the blog page, but later on each blog post got its own page too.

These pages have web addresses that comprise the address of your blog, date of publication, and some text from the title of your blog post at publication.

It's called a permalink and can't be changed once the post goes live.

Here is an example:

Blog address + year and month + title-related words

These posts are the true building blocks of your blog.


If you use Blogger's jump break (as I do) to truncate your posts with a "read more" link, only the first, pre-break part will show on other blog pages (main page, label-search page, etc.) with the link.

Meanwhile, the entire post will appear on its post page, with no sign of where you put the jump.

Modern themes do something similar automatically, but the jump break is still useful to prevent the entire page from loading invisibly.

« Blog page


Archive pages »


  1. Interesting and useful for new bloggers.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I cant click yes for the enable post pages... what do I do to let me click it????

    1. Lilly, I don't know. Post pages should be on by default in new blogs.

      I see that you have no posts yet. Perhaps this feature is enabled for you already. What happens if you make a post?

      If the problem persists I recommend asking under "something is broken" at the Blogger help forum.

      Because things do go wrong from time to time.

  3. i got the new blogger layout and such and there are no ARCHIVING in the settings section.

    I want to add another dynamic page to my blog:

    how can i do that please?

    1. Jameela, I do not follow the part about archiving and suggest you post a more-detailed question to Blogger's help forum.

      There is a setting at Settings > Posts and Comments > Show at most that controls how many posts are allowed on your blog page before they spill over onto an archive page, if that is what you mean.

      For the other: You create new dynamic pages whenever you label a post. I've written about that here.
