
Monday, June 28, 2010

Get started in private

Just starting out?

I think it is a good practice to start your blog as private while you test things, experiment, and grapple with the subject matter of your blog.

You will feel freer to try new things and make changes, both to content and design, if you know you are the only reader.

Once you've gotten into your subject, are happy with the design, and have a few posts under your belt, then take your blog public. The setting is at Settings > Permissions > Reader Access ? private to authors.

Meanwhile, you may find that your blogging takes you to an unexpected place. As related elsewhere, the focus of this blog got taken over by by my first-post-first blogger hack, which was really just a rough idea at the time.

Consequently I changed the name to "Too Clever by Half" and matching web address, and made a few design changes.

It was the practice of blogging—of learning and thinking and writing about my subject matter—that led me to this new place. Planning only gets you so far.

I could have made these changes after going public, but that would have been more work, more awkward, and potentially confusing to readers.

Because I started in private, I was able to make these changes quickly and easily.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Finish line for the Full or Jump-Break feed

Update: This report is obsolete. Online stuff changes from time to time, and for this topic a revision would be impractical.

Read more about archived posts, if you like.

If you chose Full-feed (or Jump Break) publishing, have pasted the javascript code into a static post, and applied any special formatting (which is optional), then you are done.

Congratulations! I hope you are pleased.

It's always a good idea to proofread your feed to identify any typos or unanticipated formatting that may have been introduced by the pipe or this process.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Just the blog post titles, in order

Update: These instructions for a clickable list of blog posts no longer work. But you can create such a list pretty easily now.

How would you like to list links to all your blog posts in chronological order?

A list that automatically grows as you post new stuff to your blog?